第七届NVIDIA Sky Hackathon项目报告书
数据集收集和标注情况 1.1ASR语音数据集收集和标注情况
进行模型的训练 2.1进行ASR模型的训练 2.2进行CV模型的训练
在Jetson平台进行部署和推理 3.1部署和推理ASR模型
1. 数据集收集和标注情况
首先收集语音数据集,包含以下语音: | 请检测出果皮 | |
---------------------- | | 请检测出瓶子 | | 请检测出纸箱 | |
请检测出纸箱和果皮 | | 请检测出果皮和纸箱 | | 请检测出纸箱果皮和瓶子 | |
请检测出果皮纸箱和瓶子 | | 请检测出果皮瓶子和纸箱 | |
请检测出纸箱瓶子和果皮 | | 请检测出瓶子果皮和纸箱 | | 请检测出果皮和瓶子
| | 请检测出瓶子纸箱和果皮 | | 请检测出瓶子和果皮 | | 请检测出纸箱和瓶子
| | 请检测出瓶子和纸箱 |
数据集类型以及数量 | 数据集类型 | 语音数量 | | ---------- |
------------------ | | 测试集 | 111条男声+75条女声 | | 训练集 |
221条(男+女) |
1 2 asr_result = quartznet.transcribe(paths2audio_files=["xxx" ]) print (asr_result)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 import sys from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, isdir, join , dirname , splitext, basename import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET path="" class XMLReader: def __init__(self, path): file = open(path, 'r' ) self.path = path self.content = file.read() self.root = ET.fromstring(self.content) self.template = "{name} 0.00 0 0.0 {xmin}.00 {ymin}.00 {xmax}.00 {ymax}.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" def get_filename(self): return splitext(basename (self.path))[0] def get_dir(self): return dirname (self.path) def get_objects(self): objects = [] for object in self.root.findall("object" ): objects.append({ "name" : object.find("name" ).text, "xmin" : object.find("bndbox" ).find("xmin" ).text, "ymin" : object.find("bndbox" ).find("ymin" ).text, "xmax" : object.find("bndbox" ).find("xmax" ).text, "ymax" : object.find("bndbox" ).find("ymax" ).text }) return objects def fill_template(self, object): return self.template.format(**object) def export_kitti(self): objects = self.get_objects() if len(objects) == 0: return False file = open(join (self.get_dir(), self.get_filename()) + ".txt" , 'w' ) for object in objects[:-1]: file.write(self.fill_template(object) + "\n" ) file.write(self.fill_template(objects[-1])) file.close() return True def process_file(path): xml_reader = XMLReader(path) return xml_reader.export_kitti() def get_directory_xml_files(dir ): return [join (dir , f) for f in listdir(dir ) if isfile(join (dir , f)) and splitext(f)[1].lower() == ".xml" ] def check_argv(argv): return len(argv) > 1 def main(): if not check_argv(sys.argv): print ("Wrong arguments. You should specify xml files or directory with xml files" ) args = sys.argv[1:] processed_file_count = 0 for path in args: files = [] if isfile(path): files.append(path) elif isdir(path): files += get_directory_xml_files(path) for file in files: if process_file(file): processed_file_count += 1 print ("Finished. {0} Files are processed" .format(processed_file_count)) if __name__ == "__main__" : main()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 training_config { batch_size_per_gpu: 8 num_epochs: 80 enable_qat: false learning_rate { soft_start_annealing_schedule { min_learning_rate: 5e-5 max_learning_rate: 2e-3 soft_start: 0.15 annealing: 0.8 } }
最后用tao converter转换为bin的形式
注意!!! 这里要在节点上转换,不能在本地转换
将本地保存好的nemo模型上传到节点 修改app.py的模型路径
1 nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.restore_from("/home/nvidia/7th_ASR/7th_asr_model_best.nemo" )
启动flask服务后进入前端的界面 点击加载模型 选择文件->上传语音 输入正确答案后识别 可以得到正确率和错字率
4. 优化UI界面
这一部分来自于我们团队中设计前端的同学 Css样式设计流程:
第一步:去除浏览器默认边界和覆盖浏览器默认字体,设置box类型 第二步:
Background: #fff(背景为纯黑),
第三步:设计比赛标题样式以及队名样式 第四步:设计div标签统一样式:
、padding:10px 8px(设计边界距离)、color :
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}, async identifyAudio (event ) { this .loading = '识别中...' try { let formData = new FormData () formData.append ('defaultText' , this .defaultText ) console .log ('t' , this .defaultText ) var result = await axios.post ('/asr/identify' , formData) this ['asrStatus' ] = 'identified' this .asrResult = result.data } catch (err) { if (err.response .status == 500 ) this .modelLoaded = false showError (err.response .data ) } this .loading = '' }, async identifyImage (event ) { if (this .loading != '' ) return showError ('在运行中,无法执行' ) this .loading = '识别中...' this .cvStatus = 'pending' try { var { data } = await axios.get ('/api/detect/image' ) this .imageResult = data['detection_result_image_path' ] } catch (err) { showError (err.response .data ) } this .loading = '' }, async getFps (event ) { if (this .loading != '' ) return showError ('在运行中,无法执行' ) this .loading = '获取 FPS...' try { var { data } = await axios.get ('/api/detect/fps' ) this .cvFps = data['detection_FPS' ] } catch (err) { showError (err.response .data ) } this .loading = '' }, async getMap (event ) { if (this .loading != '' ) return showError ('在运行中,无法执行' ) this .loading = '获取 mAP...' try { var { data } = await axios.get ('/api/detect/map' ) this .cvMap = data['detection_mAP' ] } catch (err) { showError (err.response .data ) } this .loading = '' } } }).mount ('#app' ) function showError (msg ) { alert (msg || '错误' ) } </script > </html >